Pink Diamonds Beauté Co.

Tik Tok Ban Workshop

Sale price Price $197.00 Regular price $397.00 Unit price  per 

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You have an established following on TikTok, but with the potential ban of the platform, you're not sure how to monetize your audience and turn your passion for beauty into a profitable business. Without the right strategies, you risk losing your following and missing out on opportunities.

But fear not! Our workshop is here to help you unlock the full potential of your following and turn your passion for beauty into a thriving business, even if TikTok is banned. 

With expert guidance and hands-on training, you'll learn how to monetize your audience, build a strong personal brand, and generate revenue through sponsorships, partnerships, and other income streams.

Our workshop is led by Shawanna, the owner of Beaute Untamed, a powerful platform designed specifically for beauty professionals. 

 You'll also learn how to export your TikTok audience, build email lists, create personalized services, and leverage your social media following to generate revenue.

By the end of our workshop, you'll have all the tools and strategies you need to monetize your audience and build a successful beauty business, even in the face of a potential TikTok ban.


So, if you're ready to take your career to the next level and start generating revenue from your following, sign up for our workshop today and let us help you turn your passion for beauty into a profitable business, regardless of what happens with TikTok.